DDLS#: 4445024 Status: SALE PENDING Location: 4 MM Address: 58 Jonathan Dr. Lake Ozark Price: $8500 Capacity: 12,000 Manufacturer: Drew Lifts Width: 12 Age: unk Tank Type: Twin Tub Tank Material: Poly Bunk Setup: V-Hull # of Tanks: 2 Tank Size: 8′ 6″ x...
DDLS#: 444024 Status: FOR SALE Location: Lift Monkeys Lot Address: 75 Sorrento Price: $9200 Capacity: 10,000 Manufacturer: Galva Lift Width: 14 Age: 12 Tank Type: Twin Cylinder Tank Material: Poly Bunk Setup: V-Hull # of Tanks: 2 Tank Size: 32″ x 22′ #...
DDLS#: 4443024 Status: FOR SALE Location: 2MM Grand Glaize Arm Address: 4800 Eagleview Dr. Osage Beach Price: $10,900 Capacity: 12,000 Manufacturer: Galva Lift Width: 14 Age: unk Tank Type:Twin Cylinder Tank Material: Poly # of Tanks: 2 Tank Size: 36″ x...